The 2015 Carrera AFL Grand Final Raffle has been drawn!

The 2015 SUANFC Carrera AFL Grand Final Raffle was drawn out of a hat this afternoon, with 4 lucky winners set to enjoy their outstanding prizes.

Fourth prize was a $100 voucher to Doughboy Pizza stores.

Doughboy Pizza is a local pizza eatery, which uses fresh produced, sourced from local farmers wherever possible. Enjoy Doughboy Pizza at one of their 3 locations, situated in Surry Hills, Bondi and North Bondi, or make use of their takeaway, catering or delivery services.

Third prize was a 1 hour massage and initial podiatry assessment thanks to Sports Lab, valued at $300.

Sports Lab provides customers with services such as physio, chiro, massage, podiatry, nutritional information and many more, through the form of one-on-one consultations, assessments, treatment programs and educational programs. Sports Lab is affiliated with many elite sporting organisations, including the likes of Swimming Australia, the Sydney Swans, Netball NSW and our very own SUANFC.

Second prize was 4 pairs of Carrera Sunglasses (2 adult/2 children) valued up to $700.


As a longtime sponsor of SUANFC, Carrera are at the top of the eyewear market. With great quality products, its no surprise Carrera has been on the market for 60 years, and show no signs of slowing down. With sunglasses, prescription frames and sport goggles, Carrera have all your eyewear needs covered.

The much-anticipated First prize was 2 tickets to the 2016 AFL Grand Final and a $1,000 cash voucher (total prize value: up to $2500).

All prize winners were notified of their success this afternoon.

SUANFC would like to thank Doughboy Pizza, Sports Lab, Carrera Sunglasses and the AFL for sponsoring the raffle.

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