Harvey Gordon Sporting Scholarship

We need your support to set up a new sporting scholarship in Harvey ‘Banger’ Gordons name.


As many of you are aware Harvey passed away earlier this year and the Club and Foundation believe one of the best ways to honour this club legend is by starting a new sporting scholarship in his honour.  This scholarship is intended to go to a student member of our Club who not only plays with SUANFC but has also shown a commitment to the Club as a volunteer, something Harvey was well known for.

To get this scholarship up and running we need to get donations pledged totalling $30,000.  As the club has over 250 members and a network of over 2000 supporters we believe this target can easily be achieved, if 300 donors each give $100 then we reach our goal.

We are very keen to see all members past and present get behind this scholarship to honour the man who gave so much of himself to our great Club.  Gifts of any amount are encouraged.  Please donate what you can and remember all donations are tax deductible.

Every bit counts towards establishing this scholarship in Harvey’s honour.


Please note the Harvey Gordon Sporting Scholarship is the Key Focus of our funding drive for 2017






You can download the latest Foundation brochure and donation form from the links below:

Foundation Brochure

Donation Form



To make a pledge or donation simply fill in the Donation Form and return it to SUANFC (via email to foundation@suanfc).  You can choose how often, and how much you give.  All contributions will make a difference, no matter how large or small.



Donations to the Australian Rules Football division of the University of Sydney Sport Foundation (USSF) are fully tax deductible.


Thanks for your generous support!

Robert Goodall, SUANFC Foundation Representative


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