Meet the player: Monty Krochmal

Monty Krochmol

Nickname: Prawn or Thor

Team/position: Mid

When did you start playing AFL for Syd Uni and what brought you here?

2009, a new Colts program and Rod Cater and Wilbur Macbeth


Team mate most likely to star in the Bachelor?

Andrew Sierakowski (needs all the help he can get)


Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

Wouldn’t mind being the lead myself… or Brad Pitt.


Does your jersey number have any significance?

Was handed down by club legend Luke Higgins.


Growing up who was your favourite player and why?

Gary Ablett Jr (freak).


Do you have a pregame ritual/superstition?

Superstitions are for the weak. But I CANNOT play without two pairs of socks.


What’s number one on your bucket list?

Don’t have a bucket list but wouldn’t mind running the NYC marathon.


Most embarrassing moment on the footy field?

Not sure, maybe celebrating a goal too early and missing.


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