COVID-19: SUANFC Return to Play Update

It has been extremely exciting to see our players returning to the field, even in the modified format that we are currently training in. SUANFC thanks all players, coaches and volunteers for all of their hard work during this time to ensure that we have been able to safely return to training. 

The latest government update, released on June 10th by the Acting Ministor for Sports provided us with more exciting news; from 1st July 2020 all community sport competitions are able to restart, both junior and adult.

AFL NSW/ACT followed this government announcement with the release of some key dates:
– 1st July: Returnt to contact training, and match preparation phase
– 17-19th July: First bounce of official competition play for all ages

The announcement of these dates has provided the much anticipated news that our players will be able to return to the field this year to do what they love! However, it is worth noting at this time, that while this announcement is exciting and has reinvigorated all players, volunteers, coaches and staff, that the return to contract-training and competition needs to be worked towards in a staged approach to ensure that we return in a safe manner and in adherence with the NSW Public Health Order, Community Sport COVID-19 Safety Plan and AFL Return to Play Framework.

Until further notice, SUANFC will still be following the current return to training protocols in place (which now allow for small groups of 20 rather than 10).

If you have any questions regarding the current training protocols, or the return to play, please feel free to contact

For the full statement from AFL NSW/ACT, read on here...

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