Information Session: SUANFC & SUWAFLC Merger

It is the intention of both female and male committees to merge the two clubs under a single club constitution for season 2020.  A number of meetings have been held between representatives of both clubs and it now requires the formal approval of you – the members.  To that end the following key events will occur over the next few weeks;

1.      Joint Forum/Information Session 7:00pm Thursday 12th September at the TAG Function Centre where all members of both the Mens and Womens Clubs are invited for an overall explanation of the direction both current Boards are proposing the clubs are going in; and

2.      Special General Meetings week commencing 23 September – to be held separately by both the Mens and Womens Clubs to approve the proposed revised Constitution.

All members are requested to attend the Special General Meetings as advised and previous to that, more general questions can be answered/briefed at the 12th September session.

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